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The Sarnia Aquarium Society Breeder Award Program is established to recognize outstanding achievement in the breeding of fish. Please retain this list for future reference.

The different levels of achievement are as follows:

(1) BREEDER AWARD (50 points) from any combination of at least 2 Classes.

(2) INTERMEDIATE (100 points). Must complete Breeder level. Must have at least three C or D Class fish.

(3) SENIOR (300 points). Must complete Breeder and Intermediate levels.

(4) MASTER (600 points). Must complete Breeder, Intermediate and Senior levels. Must have at least 6 species from each of Classes A, B, C, and one from Class D.

(5) GRAND MASTER (1000 points). Must complete Master level. Must have at least 12 from each of Classes A, B, C, and 2 from Class D.

The Aquarist must spawn and raise a minimum of 10 fry to 60 days of age. All spawns must be witnessed at 60 days of age by the BAP chairperson or designate as approved by the BAP chairperson. Additional points will be awarded if the Aquarist completes any of the following:
1) Donates 10 fry from the spawn or one sexable pair to the S.A.S.
(2) Writes an article of at least 300 words (preferably on the breeding of the fish) for the Aqua Antics Newsletter.
(3) Give a verbal and/or pictorial presentation (preferably on the breeding of the fish) at a General Meeting.

Note: The additional points are used only in the determination of the winner of the annual Rolf C. Hagen award.

The Aquarist shall:
(1) Satisfy the B.A.P. Chairperson that the spawning actually took place on the Breeder's premises. (This excludes the hatching of eggs obtained from someone else or the mere incubation of eggs, which were laid and fertilized elsewhere)
(2) Submit a Sarnia Aquarium Society BAP template form within 30 days of the fry attaining 60 days of age. If this requirement is not met, the fish may have to be re-spawned. This deadline can be waived at the discretion of the BAP chair with legitimate cause.
(3) Arrange to have the spawning (minimum of 10 fry), inspected and verified by the B.A.P. Chairperson or previously approved designate.

NOTE: Exceptions may be permitted where the species is known to have very small spawns. At the discretion of the Chairman, more than one spawning of certain species may be counted in order to reach 10. The Sarnia Aquarium Society will award points only once for each distinct species. No further BAP points will be awarded for varieties or subspecies of the species spawned. New members will be credited for spawns certified by the previous club to which they belonged. Points are adjusted to conform to the S.A.S. point system. Species with multiple locales can be recorded, with no points added to the B.A.P. total to allow for when new species are created from an existing locale. After such species are created, points can be awarded as needed. These points will be awarded at the time the B.A.P. chairperson confirms the status of the new species. They are NOT applied at the time of recording the spawn. The ROLF C. HAGEN AWARD will be presented at the December Christmas meeting to the member accumulating the most breeding points in a one year period, beginning with the date of the previous year’s November General Meeting up to the current November meeting date.

Class A ------5 points

1. Livebearers
any Poecilia, Xiphophorus, Gambusia, or other not in B,C,D or E.

2. Minnows
any Danio, Devario or Tanichthys.

3. Killifish
Fundulopanchax gardneri, Aphyosemion australe, Aplocheilus lineatus, Apl.panchax. Epiplatys dageti, Pachypanchax playfairi, Oryzias latipes and all Rivulus species.

4. Anabantids
Macropodus opercularis, Trichopodus trichopterus.

5. Cichlids
all mouthbrooders from genera Oreochromis, Sarotherodon and Hemihaplochromis, Hap. sp. 44, C. nigrofasciatum (convicts), C. sp. “Honduran Red Points, Thorichthys meeki (firemouths), C. spilurum,
Herotilapia multispinosa.

6. Snails
Ampullaria cuprina (mystery snail), Vivipara sp. (Japanese livebearers), Marisa rotula. No points will be awarded for common snails and common pond snails.

All Others
any Australian Melanotaenia not listed in B,C,D or E.

Class B----- 10 points

1. Livebearers
Halfbeaks, Brachyrhaphis, Heterophallus, Tomeurus,
any member of family Goodeidae

2. Barbs
all Barbs not in C or D.

3. Killifish
all mop-spawners not in A,C or D, all Cyprinodon sp.

4. Anabantids
Betta picta, Betta splendens, Trichogaster (ex Colisa), Trichopodus (except trichopterus) and all Macropodus not in A.

5. Cichlids
Pterophyllum scalare, Geophagus brasiliensis and related species, G. steindachneri, G. pellegrini, Cichlasoma portalegrensis and bimaculatum, Bujurquina mariae and paraguayensis, Pelvicachromis pulcher, all Mbunas, all other substrate spawners except those in A,C or D, any mouthbrooders from the Rift Lake except those in A,C or D. Any mouthbrooders from Lake Victoria area except those in A,C or D.

6. Invertebrates
Shrimps, crayfish, all other snails not in A.

7. All Others
Badis sp, Telmatherina ladigesi (Celebes Rainbow), any Bedotia (Madagascar Rainbow), Any New Guinea Rainbowfish not listed in A, C or D.
All Blue-eye species (Pseudomugil sp.), Goldfish, any native minnow.

Class C-----15 points

1. Livebearers
Any Alfaro and Jenynsia species.

2. Catfish
Corydoras aeneus, C. paleatus, C. hastatus, C pygmaeus, Brochis splendens, Ancistrus sp.

3. Barbs
Clown barbs, Puntius filamentosus, P. arulius, any
Barbodes not listed in D.

4. Tetras/Characins
Nannostomus and Thayeria species, all others except those listed in D.

5. Killifish
Fundulopanchax sjoestedti (Blue Gularis) Pseudoepiplatys annulatus and all peat spawners except those listed in D.

6. Anabantids
Helostoma (Kissing), Trichopsis (Croaking) Trichopodus microlepis (Moonlight) T. pectoralis (Snakeskin) and any others not in A, B or D. Any Betta not in A,B or D.

7. Cichlids
Cyrtocara moorii, all from Lake Tanganyika not included in other classes; any Etroplus, Crenicara, Crenicichla, “Geophagus” (Eartheaters) not listed in other classes; Mikrogeophagus and Apistogramma species. All Paratheraps. All Paraneetroplus. Theraps coeruleus, Theraps irregularis, All Yssichromis, Stomatepia., Lipochromis, Prognathochromis, Harpagochromis, Thoracochromis brauschi, Pyxichromis orthostoma, Platytaeniodus sp."Red tail sheller", Orthochromis. Any Pelvicachromis (except pulcher). Nanochromis, Congochromis, Nimbochromis, Benitochromis, Chromidotilapia, Parananochromis, Teleogramma.

8. All Others
Chanda (Glass Fish), Iriatherina werneri (Threadfin rainbow), Sticklebacks, Sunfish and Darters.

Class D-----20 points

1. Livebearers
Anableps (any species), Belonesox belizanus, Any stingray

2. Catfish
All species not listed in other classes.

3. Barbs
Barbodes schwanenfeldi (Tinfoils), Puntius denisonii.

4. Rasboras
All species

5. Tetras/Characins
Hatchetfishes, Exodon paradoxus, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, Paracheirodon innesi, axelrodi and simulans. Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, Hemigrammus rhodostomus and bleheri, Petitella georgiae, any African Characoid ; any species from the genera Metynnis and Serrasalmus, Nannobrycon, Anostomus and Leporinus species.

6. Killifish
‘Pterolebias’, Austrofundulus and Nothobranchius.

7. Anabantids
Osphronemus goramy, Sphaerichthys species, any Ctenopoma or Parasphromenus.

8. Cichlids
Astronotus sp., Tomocichla tuba, Tomocichla asfraci, Herichthys steindachneri, Parachromis dovii, Theraps lentiginosus, Cyphotilapia frontosa, Cyphotilapia gibberosa, All Tropheus sp., All Petrochromis sp.
Symphysodon species (all varieties), All Uaru sp., Pterophyllum altum and leopoldi. Dicrossus sp. Any Madagascan cichlid

9. Sharks, Loaches, Eels
Any species.

10. Cyprinids Flying foxes, Siamese Algae Eaters.

11. All Others
Koi, Mudskippers, Scats, Monos, Gobies, Butterfly Fish, Arrowanas, Puffers, Datnoides, Leaf Fish, Bichirs
(Polypterus sp).